From Boring to Scoring
I’m about to say the most obvious sentence of all time, but stay with me: Games are fun. People love games. We use them to learn as...
The articles about Virtual Simulations or VR, AR and MR related issues are written in Dutch or in English. Unless BlueTea mentions the author, all articles are written or translated by BlueTea.
From Boring to Scoring
The secret to an effective onboarding strategy
Potential drawbacks of adopting VR
Start proeftuin Logistiek in Brabant
My interactive manual?
VR and AR a solution to Corona?
BlueTea @ITEC London
How to measure Training Effectiveness of VR?
Staatssecretaris en BlueTea even ONderBEMAND
Synergy 4 You = 4Synergy
Gamification: evolution or revolution?
Onboarding in VR
Increasing your VR Training Program
Memory boosters!
The 7 Learning Principles
The Forgetting Curve
BlueTea @BMW
I/ITSEC Orlando
Keynote @POM Event
BlueTea meets Boeing