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The articles about Virtual Simulations or VR, AR and MR related issues are written in Dutch or in English. Unless BlueTea mentions the author, all articles are written or translated by BlueTea.

Ton Bongers
1 min read
Take Action
Evaluate your workplace learning culture

Ton Bongers
2 min read
Upskilling 2021, Trend 1
Strong productivity and mental health skills have long been described as the essential traits of successful leadership.

Ton Bongers
1 min read
Three reasons to prioritize learning in 2021
A strong learning culture empowers employees to upskill themselves in the face of change and continually grow their skills and adapt to new

Ton Bongers
1 min read
Kennis subsidie?
Koud kennis vrees? Met de subsidie van MKB Idee kunt u wellicht geholpen worden. Wees er snel bij (op 19 januari stopt de aanvraagprocedure)

Ton Bongers
1 min read
State of Upskilling 2021
Before the pandemic, upskilling was a priority for many organizations, but it's clear that it has now become a business imperative.

Ton Bongers
4 min read
Flattening the Forgetting Curve
Scientific study has proven that humans forget 50% of what they learn within one day of learning.

Ton Bongers
4 min read
Avoiding the Forgetting Curve
We need for our brains to forget information in order to make room for more relevant data.

Ton Bongers
2 min read
Toekomstbestendige digitale leeromgevingen?
Bestaan toekomstbestendige leeromgevingen?

Ton Bongers
1 min read
Do's and Don'ts
Developing a virtual simulation or serious game requires more than an idea, glasses and a handy intern.

Ton Bongers
2 min read
SOS! Avoid technology-driven training ...
Is this contradictions in terms, BlueTea? We don't think so, because our adage is: "in training issues, let the problem take center stage...

Ton Bongers
7 min read
Case Study: Carglass (Gamification als opleidingsfundament)
Belron, het internationale moederbedrijf van autoruitreparatie en vervangingsspecialist Carglass, wilde een aantal jaar geleden zijn...

Ton Bongers
9 min read
Top Tools for Learning
Analysis 2020 by Jane Hart The Top 200 Tools for Learning 2020 was compiled by Jane Hart from 2,369 votes from 45 countries in the 14th...
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